招生- PA学校要求












Thank you for your interest in 的 USA Physician Assistant Studies program.  如果你 有任何问题,请点击这个链接 电子邮件我们. 


申请人 who wish to apply to 的 十大玩彩信誉平台 (USA) Physician Assistant Studies (PA) program must meet 的 following minimum PA requirements. 请注意 that admission to 的 USA PA program is very competitive and accepted students typically 超过PA学校的最低要求.

All of 的 following PA school requirements must be met to be considered for admission 进入美国PA计划.

  1. 完成任何领域的学士学位 来自美国.S. 地区认可机构 prior to 的 starting date of 的 program 是必需的.  Note: International degrees or coursework does not satisfy this requirement.
  2. 综合、科学和最后60个小时的平均绩点至少为3分.0 在4上.0 scale, as calculated by CASPA (includes post-baccalaureate undergraduate 和研究生工作).

  3. 完成必修课程 完成的成绩为“C”或更高,从美国.S. 地区认可机构 with one semester of at least 3 credits for each course below (except Medical Terminology 1 +学分).    All prerequisite courses for 的 Physician Assistant Studies program must be completed one semester prior to Matriculation (completed by December to enter 的 following 5月) .  课程不要求在一定时间内完成.  奖金课程不是必需的 but if completed with a “C” or above will streng的n 的 application. 所有奖励课程 一定是高级理科课程吗. 学期学分是可以接受的 必须按顺序完成.  例如,解剖学和生理学I, 二、三.

    Prerequisite required courses are: General Biology plus lab (4 credits). 普通化学 I和II加实验(8学分). Human Anatomy and Human Physiology OR Anatomy and Physiology I和II. 微生物学. 有机化学. 数学(大学代数最低). 统计数据. 普通心理学. 医学术语(1学分). 欲知详情,请 请按以下按钮.


  1. Completion of 的 General Graduate Record Examination (GRE) 自10月1日截止日期起的过去五(5)年内. 本署接受:
    • A minimum of 145 in both 的 Verbal and Quantitative sections. 分析性写作 节是必需的.
    • The highest complete exam score is used in 的 ranking of applicants: 我们不会混用不同尝试的分数.
    • 官方成绩必须以电子方式发送至 美国PA研究机构代码2169. 美国PA研究机构代码2169 will allow GRE scores to be sent to both USA 以及您的美国指定CASPA申请. 成绩必须不迟于CASPA收到 than 的 10月1日 deadline to be considered for 的 current 周期.
    • 十大玩彩信誉平台GRE: 访问 美国教育考试服务中心 了解更多信息.

  2. Completion of at least 100 Direct Patient Care Experience hours 是必需的:  See Direct Patient Care Experience section under Holistic Application tab. 申请人 会在他们的CASPA申请中记录这些时间吗.

  3. 提交三封推荐信, one of which must be from a Medical Doctor (MD), Doctor of Osteopathy (DO) or Physician 助理(PA)  提交给CASPA并包含在您的CASPA申请中.   寄出的推荐信 直接寄到我们办公室将不被接受. CASPA将不会开始验证 process of your application until two of your three letters of reference have been 收到了.

  4. 提交填妥的申请材料 by 10月1日如何申请,其中包括 美国PA学习计划补充申请 (uploaded to 的 CASPA application, USA Program Materials, Documents Section) and 的 美国PA研究项目申请费 (网上支付). CASPA applications must be SUBMITTED to USA, COMPLETED and VERIFIED by 10月1日.

have additional PA requirements and application steps for 的 USA PA program. 请 看到 如何申请 的信息.


申请人是根据整体评估来选择的.  许多因素都被考虑在内 consideration but preference is given to applicants with 的 following:

  • Higher GPAs (overall GPA, Science GPA, last 60-hour GPA, both undergraduate and graduate 级别的工作).
  • 更高的GRE成绩(数学和语言部分).
  • Possessing an additional degree (Master’s or Doctorate) or a 2nd bachelor degree.
  • Completion of upper-level science coursework (Biochemistry, Genetics, Immunology, 病理生理学和药理学).
  • 阿拉巴马州居民和服务区居民.
  • 兵役:包括所有兵种.
  • 领导活动.
  • Disadvantaged Background: Economically and/or environmentally disadvantaged as defined 并在CASPA申请中详细说明.
  • 社区服务、志愿服务.
  • Being from a Rural/Underserved area (Childhood residence in rural county as defined 农村补助金合格资格者).
  • 更长的直接专利护理时间.
  • 更高小时的私人助理实习经验.
  • 目前的健康培训证书或注册.

The interview process has been designed to complement 的 evaluation of an academically proven applicant by 的 holistic appraisal of non-academic traits.

Approximately 170 applicants to 的 USA PA program will be selected for an interview 在秋天. Invitations for interviews will be emailed throughout 的 interview 周期.

All interviews will be conducted via Zoom beginning in late October through November. Of those interviewed, 60 will be invited to matriculate in 的 class.




学生 must be able to demonstrate abilities in observation, communication and motor functions, as well as critical thinking, interpersonal skills, and behavioral and 社会属性. For a full description of 的 technical standards for admission 美国医师助理(PA)研究计划,请访问 技术标准.